I get really excited about the holidays because it means being able to get creative in regards to decorating, baking, gift giving, etc. Like a lot of you, though, we’re also on a budget, so I have to reign it in a little and not go entirely crazy.
I think these frugal Secret Santa gifts would be great for any person you may be buying for; I’ve included links where applicable, like craft ideas, to help give you instructions. Any other ideas? Feel free to leave a comment and give us your suggestions!
Coffee mug with: (Pick one or more)
- Starbucks gift card
- Bag of coffee
- K-Cups
- Hot chocolate packets
Candy cane sled
Dessert cookbook
Candy bars
Starbucks bottle gifts
Oven mitt with wooden spoon and cookie mix
Homemade treats (Put them in cute boxes to make them more festive; Hobby Lobby has great ones!)
Baking basket kit
- Package of cookie mix
- Wooden spoon
- Rolling pin
- Cookie cutters
- Icing
Fuzzy socks
Slippers stuffed with lotion/sanitizer
Hand soap
Mason jar gifts like these!
Lip balm
Sugar scrub
Card games like Uno, or just a deck of cards
Scented candle
Adult coloring book with colored pencils
Fleece blanket

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.