I love hearing everyone’s personal preferences when it comes to grocery shopping! I’m in awe of the mom who goes out once a month and gets everything for her family of 8, or the one who goes every 2 weeks for her slightly smaller family. As for my family, we go once a week. It’s something we’ve worked on now and again and it turns out to be the best option for us! Today I’m sharing 3 reasons why I grocery shop weekly.
We’re a smaller family
As a family of 3, I don’t necessarily need to do a whole month’s worth of shopping at a time. I can easily pick up Allison and head to the store whenever I need to with no problems! If you have a larger family and going to the store is just too much of a hassle, then perhaps going once a month is just easier. Allison loves going shopping with me, especially if it’s Kroger; then she gets to ride the “car-car cart”! She has fun pretending she’s driving, I’m getting shopping done, it’s a win-win.
I shop based on what’s on sale every week
I had thought about doing once-a-month shopping, but then each week something awesome would go on sale and I’d just keep shopping weekly. I save a lot more money this way, because I collect coupons and watch sites like Kroger Krazy to see when I can use them. Being able to buy 5 jars of salsa at a low price of $1.00 when it’s on sale, to me, is better than shopping monthly and happening to buy them when they’re not on sale, at $1.89 each. I also just look forward to the newspaper on Sundays to see what’s on sale that week! It’s like Christmas morning for me; I’m kind of lame.
I save more money than I would shopping monthly
Shopping monthly, for me, means purchasing EVERYTHING to use for the whole month, including produce. I’m well-known for letting produce expire before using it all, so monthly shopping would not work for me. At least when I shop weekly, I know I’ll use everything and not waste money. This goes along with shopping based on what’s on sale; I save a lot more money in the end.
I’m interested in hearing how often you shop for groceries! Once a week? Once a month? Every day? I’d love to hear how you do it!
Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.
Thursday 12th of November 2015
I do once a month shopping at Sam's Club for the basic: flour, oil, etc. I also do once a week shopping at Kroger and/ or fruit mkt for milk, bread, produce, and stocking up on sale items.
Thursday 12th of November 2015
Awesome! We go to Sam's at least twice a month for random things, too. =)