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$75 Weekly Shopping and Menu 5-20-19

Meal plan, grocery list, and coupon deals for 5-20-19. Want to know what a family of 3 eats for $75 a week? Check back every Monday!

Oh my gosh you guys, this weekend was AMAZING.

First of all, I got to see my Youtube hero, Markiplier, at Kings Island Saturday. I was really hoping to meet him, but due to a huge miscommunication, you could either go to see him speak, or go to the meet-and-greet, but not both. So I missed out. But, it was cool to be there nonetheless, and hopefully he’ll be back next year!

Second, I got my certification to teach PiYo! I attribute my 20+ pounds of weight loss to this program; and after continuing to do it for 4 years, I got an opportunity to become an instructor and now I get to teach it at the wellness center where I work part-time! I’m SO excited for this and I can’t wait to start helping others gain strength and balance.

Needless to say, this weekend has been BUSY. And it’s about to get busier. Thursday is Allison’s official last day of preschool *Sob*, and the day after we’re going out of state for a weekend vacation! As such, our menu this week consists of easy and cheap meals- mainly ones that I made during my freezer meal session last week.

I also probably won’t have a shopping post up next week because we’re coming home on Tuesday, but check my Facebook or Instagram pages because I may at least post a picture of my shopping trip!

Here’s what I bought this week:

Meal plan, grocery list, and coupon deals for 5-20-19. Want to know what a family of 3 eats for $75 a week? Check back every Monday!

Mr. Mac’s Grocery Outlet

3 bags Birds Eye edamame: $1.25 each
Bag of 12 ThinkThin bars: $4.00
2 packages Andouille chicken sausages: $1.00 each
3 packages Jennie-O Italian turkey sausages: $1.00 each
Reeses whipped cream: $1.50
Annie’s White Cheddar Bunnies: $1.50
Larabars: $2.00
Tea: $1.75
Chocolate croissants: Free

Total: $19.50. I totally didn’t plan on spending that much here, but I couldn’t resist the meat prices.

Meal plan, grocery list, and coupon deals for 5-20-19. Want to know what a family of 3 eats for $75 a week? Check back every Monday!


Tub of plain Greek yogurt: $3.49
Tub of vanilla Greek yogurt: $3.49
Cheerios: $1.29
Zucchini: $1.49
2 packages broccoli: $1.49 each
Eggs: $.58
Guacamole cups: $3.29
Block of Colby Jack: $1.69
2 bags tortilla chips: $.89 each
Baby carrots: $.89
Strawberries: $1.79
Bananas, 2.84 pounds: $1.25
Cottage cheese: $1.59
Salsa: $1.19
Peanuts: $1.89
4 cans refried beans: $.75 each
Milk: $1.49
Oranges, 4-pound bag: $1.99

Total: $35.16

Meal plan, grocery list, and coupon deals for 5-20-19. Want to know what a family of 3 eats for $75 a week? Check back every Monday!


Cinnamon: $1.00
White whole wheat flour: $2.99
Bag of clearance apples: $.99
Butter: $1.99
Hershey syrup: $1.99

Total: $8.96
Weekly Total: $63.62- Have an $11.00 overage I may use later this week.


Lunch is always leftovers. Items marked with an asterisk (*) were purchased in previous weeks.

Bean and cheese burritos from freezer*, frozen veggies*, fruit
Small group: Making Cheesy Bean Dip (Doubled) with tortilla chips
Sloppy Joes from freezer*, roasted broccoli
Eggs, sausage links from freezer*, Oven-Baked Biscuits, fruit
Pasta* with Spaghetti Sauce from freezer*, frozen veggies*, Jennie-O turkey sausage
Vacation x2

Carrot Pancakes (Leftover from last week)
Me: Yogurt with frozen strawberries* and cut up Larabar
Allison: Vanilla yogurt with strawberries, peanuts, Cheerios

Allison’s Lunch
Mini Pancake Muffins, strawberries, block cheese, Cheerios

Making a Chocolate Cake for my birthday Wednesday!

What’s on your menu this week? Share below in the comments!


Tuesday 21st of May 2019

I’m laughing at “making a chocolate cake for my birthday “, moms always have to make their own birthday desserts ?


Wednesday 22nd of May 2019

Oh my gosh, it gets worse- Allison had been telling me ALL WEEK she wanted to make a birthday cake for "someone special" for their birthday. And when it came time to bake it, she bailed on me! Good thing she's cute, lol.

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