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Happy 3rd Blogiversary! Plus Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

I can’t believe it.

Today- yes, today- marks 3 years that I started this blog, No Getting Off This Train.

It’s been a wild 3 years, and this blog has changed dramatically since the beginning. I’ve spent hours pouring over blog posts; practicing graphic design; waking up at 3:30 at times just to get uninterrupted work done. And it’s been worth every single minute.

So today I want to celebrate and invite you to join me! I’m giving away a $50 Amazon gift card at the end of this post; but for now, sit back and enjoy this ride down memory lane with me.

Why “No Getting Off This Train”?

Let me start by saying, I’m a nerd. But you probably knew that. See, one of my favorite video games of all times is Final Fantasy VII. There was one scene when two of the main characters were on a train, talking about saving the world and how they were kind of sucked into this role. And one of them said, “There ain’t no getting off this train we’re on”.

For some reason, that quote stuck with me for the longest time. And when I thought about what to name this blog, the quote came back to me with such force that I knew it was meant to be. At the time I started the blog, Allison was almost 18 months old and I wanted to start losing my baby weight and get healthier. I was also a stay-at-home mom, so I was trying to keep our spending low, especially with groceries. And when the name came to me, I just kept thinking, “Once you get on the train of becoming a mother- and losing weight- and living frugally- there’s no getting off.” So that’s how the blog was born.

Top 5 posts

My Stats Throughout the Years

Some bloggers show their stats, both as a way to track their own progress and to show others a sneak peek into how they do things. I don’t usually blog about blogging, but I wanted to show you the number of pageviews I’ve received month to month. Even I was surprised when I saw the big picture.

As you can see, March 2015 was not huge. I was still learning the ropes and trying to figure out what I wanted to do. At that point, I was posting 7 days a week (!), trying to be a “coupons and deals” blog. I soon realized it wasn’t working out, and I stopped doing those posts after a few months.

April 2015 was when I wrote “How We Ate For $37 a Week for a Year”, and it exploded on Pinterest. Since then, it’s been my number 1 post, has been re-written at least once, and still circulates throughout Pinterest. Seriously, Pinterest is about 90% of my daily traffic.

I started Elite Blog Academy in February 2017; and with everything I’ve learned, my traffic had a major boost. Big enough, in fact, that in July 2017 I signed up with Mediavine, an ad management company that requires a certain number of page sessions per month. Because of people like you that read my blog on a consistent basis, I can now start putting aside money for private school for Allison. I can’t begin to thank you for your support these last 3 years!

This has been a wild journey, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Blogging has become my passion. I love inspiring others to eat better on a budget, to hear their stories of transformation. And I do most of my blogging in my pajamas; it doesn’t get much better than that!

Let’s end the celebration with a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card, sent to your email! The last day to enter is Monday, March 12th and you have multiple entries to help you win. Good luck; and once again, thank you so much for all you do!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Amy Deeter

Monday 12th of March 2018

My favorite snack is bananas cut up with peanut butter on them

Lindsay A.

Monday 12th of March 2018

Happy 3rd Blogiversary from a new follower! :D Your site is awesome & really useful/helpful! My favorite snack? Ummmm, I guess it depends on what’s in the house! Sometimes it’s chocolate, sometimes it’ll be homemade Greek yogurt with homemade sugar free lemon curd!


Monday 12th of March 2018

Congratulations on 3 years! My favorite snack is either roasted almonds (I add different flavorings depending on my snack mood) or cheese and crackers, yum!


Sunday 11th of March 2018

My favorite snack is popcorn!


Saturday 10th of March 2018

Hummus and pretzels

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