I’ve said many times how much I love Aldi, and listed things that you should buy. And today I’m sharing a little tip of how I grocery shop: Most weeks, I set aside $5.00-$7.00 from my grocery budget to grab clearance items at Aldi. I get really giddy sometimes walking in, because I never know what treasures I’ll find! That probably sounds really sad, but I love getting a good deal on groceries. It’s what I live for each week. Here are the two main sections that have clearance items and examples of what you can find.
The first place I like to look is the seasonal/clearance aisle. This aisle is filled with holiday items (Christmas, Valentine’s Day), and then miscellaneous marked down holiday/random items they have too much of and need to get rid of. Those sweet and salty nut bars for $1.29 are a great deal! So are those diced tomatoes; the regular cans a couple aisles down are $.55, and if I would have had extra money that week, I would have stocked up! Other gems I’ve found include bags of sriracha lime popcorn for $.50, popcorn seasoning for $.60, baked chips for $1.25 (name brand), applesauce cups (Can’t remember price), other canned goods… seriously, look here every week. Or if you live close and have lots of spare time, visit a few times a week in case there are good deals that might get bought out.
The next place I look is the freezer section. I don’t typically buy a lot here, because most of the items are still out of my stock-up price range or they’re just snack items that we don’t need to be buying. Sometimes we’ll find great deals, though. One week they had frozen pizzas for like $1.39, so we bought a couple of those, and boxes of turkey sausage links were only $.55 so I bought 4!
This was one of my favorite buys. It was over $5.00 regular price but marked down to $3.49. This box will give us 3 dinners! Not bad for the price, and they are delicious. Other things I’ve found on clearance here are chicken fries (Whole grain, fairly healthy) for $2.49, Fit and Active french fries for $.99, and even ham. Okay, the ham wasn’t frozen, but it was in the big fridge next to these frozen items. They were marked down to $5.00 off the price tag, so I ended up paying $4.00 for an 8 pound ham. I totally would have bought more, but we already had one in our freezer and you can only eat ham for so long before you just get tired of it.
Now that you’ve seen the awesome deals you may have been missing out on, don’t ignore these two sections at Aldi! You’d be surprised at what you can find. If you find anything good, share with me in the comments! I love hearing about great deals!

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.