Oh. My. Goodness. We are STILL eating Thanksgiving leftovers. I haven’t had to cook since Thursday! As such, I really didn’t need much for dinners this week. I bought a bunch of chicken a few weeks ago and turned it all into freezer meals (Look forward to a future freezer meal plan!), so I’m using this week as a light pantry meal week. We’re also eating out twice, so that really helped with the grocery budget, too.
With the extra money, I decided to buy a lot of stuff to fill the pantry- cans of tuna, an extra turkey, bread, butter… I’m really loving these butter prices! $1.99 a box is my stock-up price; I have 4 boxes in the freezer right now, but I plan to do a lot of baking this Christmas so I’ll probably need to buy more. Who else loves baking Christmas cookies?
It’s kind of a boring food week, but here’s what I bought and what we’re eating:
Gas pills: $3.30
White whole wheat flour: $2.99
Sandwich bags: $2.00
Total: $8.67
Pumpkin Life cereal: $2.29
Tea: $1.69
2 boxes butter: $1.99 each
Carrots: $1.29
Baby wipes: $1.29
Flour: $1.19
2 cans crushed tomatoes: $.79 each
Salt: $.45
Broccoli: $1.49
Frozen chicken patties: $3.59
2 bags frozen stir fry veggies: $1.49 each
Spinach: $1.49
4 cans tuna: $.68 each
Sriracha sauce: $1.99
Tomato paste: $.39
2 bags chocolate chips: $1.49 each
Pretzels: $.79
Butternut squash: $1.49
Cottage cheese: $1.79
2 cans pumpkin: $.79 each
Milk: $1.07
Bananas: $1.35
Ground beef: $3.19
Kerrygold cheese: $3.49
Granola: $2.99
2 dozen eggs: $.99 each
Strawberries: $3.49. I hate paying that but I’m desperate for Allison to eat something healthy!
Total: $44.60 after a $10.00 off coupon I received in the mail
Entenmann’s Bread Outlet
4 loaves Sara Lee Artesano: $.50 each
Hamburger buns: $1.00
Total: $3.00
Sam’s Club
Hand soap: $6.98
Turkey: $7.96. They were marked down to 58 cents a pound.
Shredded cheddar: $11.98
Total: $27.43
Weekly Total: $83.70. We had an overage from last week.
Lunch is always leftovers. Items marked with an asterisk (*) were purchased in previous weeks.
Hawaiian chicken* (In freezer), rice, roasted broccoli
Buffalo chicken sandwiches*, roasted butternut squash
Spaghetti and homemade meatballs
Grilled cheese and bagged potato soup* (Ended up not making this last week)
Dinner out with family
Date night dinner
Breaded chicken sandwiches on homemade biscuits
Yogurt* with granola
What’s on your menu this week? Share below in the comments!

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.