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DIY Fruit Fly Killer

Are those pesky fruit flies making their way into your house this Summer? Try this DIY fruit fly killer to help get rid of them in hours!

It’s that time again, friends. Summer means lots of fresh, delicious produce that you store on your counter… which brings my arch nemesis: Those darn fruit flies.

Those suckers don’t care that they’re an inconvenience. They land on your bananas, killing them slowly with their grossness. They try to fly into your mouth as you’re eating. I can’t freaking stand them!

Luckily, I found a DIY fruit fly killer that works MOST of the time. It doesn’t seem to get rid of all of them, but a good majority are found dead within hours, which is good enough for me.

Are those pesky fruit flies making their way into your house this Summer? Try this DIY fruit fly killer to help get rid of them in hours!

Do you like how one of them decided to sweetly pose on the cup as soon as I took the picture? I hate you so much, fruit flies. You don’t even know.

Here’s what you need:

  • 1/3 cup white vinegar
  • A few squirts of lemon juice (or a few drops of lemon oil)
  • A few drops of dish soap

Alternatively, you could use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar, but that’s what I had on hand. Mix everything together in a small cup and place it where the flies tend to gather.

At some points, I’ve had one next to the sink, one on the other side of the stove by the bananas, and one on the kitchen table. After I took the above photo, I came back after a few hours and found this:

Are those pesky fruit flies making their way into your house this Summer? Try this DIY fruit fly killer to help get rid of them in hours!

Ew. It’s so gross to think of all these things flying around my food when I’m not looking. Well, no more! You will no longer live in my house! ….Do you think I maybe have issues with these things?

I’m glad I found a pretty good solution for the pests, and I always have these ingredients in the house so it’s just a quick 2-minute fix! Take this knowledge with you and never deal with those pesky fruit flies again.





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