The thrift store. Many of us think of it as the place where we drop off all the stuff we’ve purged from our house, myself included. Why would you want to go back to buy more stuff?
Well, there are a few categories of must-buy thrift store items that you could get here instead of paying full price at a retail store. Obviously, you’ll need to be careful and search thoroughly; you can find great-quality items, but others make you think “Would anyone ever buy this?”.
Here are seven different things you should look out for to help you save money.
Infant clothes
How often did your baby wear those cute outfits before he outgrew them? Probably not very long, if he was anything like my child. That meant most of her clothes were either barely worn, or not at all. And right into the donation pile they went.
You may find that a lot of the clothes on the rack still have their price tag! This could also apply to other kids’ sizes, so keep an eye out.
If you’re looking to start your own mini library, the thrift store is a good place to look. They’re cheaper than the book stores, and even the discount book stores like Half Price Books. Just watch out for the coloring books that have already been colored in!
Holiday decorations
Thrift stores are full of little holiday decorations- Easter or Christmas, or any other holiday where you all-out decorate. You can find cute vintage stuff here, or just little figurines you can place around the house.
This could be a really good find, especially in the first quarter of the year when people (unfortunately) give up on their New Years resolutions to lose weight or go to the gym.
I needed a running jacket and was able to find one that looked barely worn, for $4.00. I saw lots of new-ish yoga pants, too. Retail prices can be outrageous with activewear, so I try to visit the thrift store for this when I can.
Board games
Buying a board game from the thrift store is almost like playing roulette- you never really know if all the pieces are still inside. But at $3.00-$4.00, it’s worth trying to me, especially if it’s a kid’s game that may get lost anyway.
Kitchen appliances
Obviously be careful about what you buy in kitchen appliances, but you can find some really great stuff. The thrift store is where I bought my bread machine for $6.00, and it was the best six dollars I’ve ever spent. I’d never pay $50+ for one of these!
I hate paying full-price for jeans, so I check the thrift store first. I found 2 pairs of Levis, brand new, for $4.00 each, and I still wear these suckers like 2 years later.
One tip I have is to check out different thrift stores in different areas; the stores in higher-end neighborhoods will sometimes have the expensive brand-name clothing, which is where I found my jeans!
Do you have any must-buy thrift store items? I admit I’m not an expert on thrift store finds, but the items above are what I’ve seen and mostly purchased, and I think they could be a good value. Leave a comment with any great items you’ve found!
Be sure to check the other posts in my ABCs of Frugal Living series!

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.