Last year I made Allison’s very first Advent Calendar. It was at our MOPS group using this template; each day had a piece of the Christmas story, along with handmade character magnets that Allison put on the fridge. She was so excited to wake up every morning to see what she would get next, and it was a great reminder for her of when Christmas was coming. That’s especially helpful now because now that the Christmas tree is up, she keeps asking if today is Christmas.
This year I wanted to do something slightly different, and after looking around I saw this awesome Advent Calendar and knew I had to do it. This particular one follows along with the Jesus Storybook Bible, which we bought for Allison when she was really young. It goes through the entire Bible and is written in a way kids can understand, with the idea that every chapter in the Bible points to Jesus. She loves reading it and looking through the pictures, so I knew this would be perfect.
I used kind of the same idea as last year; I went to the Dollar Tree and picked up a few things, including treat sacks, candy, and pencils (She just loves pencils). I put a couple of those things in each bag, as well as the print-outs from the Advent Calendar, and hung them on the wall using the same string and clothespins from last year’s.
Each morning we climb on the couch, take one bag off the wall, and read the chapter of the day while Allison eats the piece of candy. I love getting the extra cuddle time, and Allison enjoys being read to, especially this book. When we’re finished, I have her put the Bible picture on the Christmas tree to remind us of what we’ve read already.
Here is the link to download the free PDF of the Advent Calendar, and here is the Jesus Storybook Bible to go along with it. This book is great for kids of all ages, and you can incorporate it into your daily reading, either before bed or otherwise. Are you doing an Advent Calendar this year? Share your ideas below, because I’m looking for ideas for next year!

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.