Today’s May 1st and it’s the start of a new great month! This month’s theme is Birthdays because as you can see below, there are two awesome people that have a birthday this month. Look forward to a new post each Friday during the month of May where I share anything and everything birthday related!
My husband and I share the month of May as our birth month! His is on the 4th and mine’s on the 22nd. We’ve been together almost 12 years now so we’ve had our share of celebrating together! I’ve also noticed a few good and not-so-great things about sharing the same birth month, so I decided to share them with you in case you have the same problem and can relate!
Pros of having the same birth month:
- It’s easy to remember when the other’s birthday is!
- Birthday cake twice in one month! Can’t get any better than that. Oh wait, yes it can.
- Eating out for a birthday dinner twice in one month! Yep, that’s even better.
- We can renew our car registration at the same time so there’s no excuse in forgetting.
- Double the opportunities for freebies at restaurants!
- Double the love from family! Not that they don’t love us every other month too, but it’s nice to talk to and visit family multiple times in a month!
Cons of having the same birth month:
- We renew our car registration at the same time. And our driver’s license every 4 years. That means a lot of money comes out of the account at the same time, ouch.
- We also spend more money this month eating out.
- And get fat from birthday cake.
- There’s twice the amount of thinking involved in planning dinner/gifts. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but with a toddler in the house? There’s no time for thinking!
- Our birthdays aren’t spaced out, which means we have to wait longer for the next holiday/birthday to celebrate!
- This one relates to the kids in the family. We have FOUR children with birthdays in October! Allison and my 2 nephews and 1 niece. We need to save in advance to make sure we have money for gifts!
Do you share your birth month with someone in your family? What are some pros/cons? Share with us below!

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.
Monday 4th of May 2015
This is so funny! It is SO true how multiple birthdays in one month can be dangerous on the wallet and the waist line! My two kids and my hubby all have birthdays within 30 days of each other. I am pretty worn out by the end of the month!
Friday 1st of May 2015
How funny. I never thought about this! My daughter and I share the same birth month (August), but we tend to be minimalists when it comes to birthdays. (I actually just posted about that on my blog this week!) I have three children, and I am glad that their birthdays are so spread out--April, August, and December. I think it would be hard on children to have to share a birthday.
Saturday 2nd of May 2015
Awesome! I think I went overboard on my daughter's first birthday... maybe this year it'll be a bit smaller to help with costs. =P
Friday 1st of May 2015
My son was born on his father's birthday... Always a double wammy of cake presents, and cash flow problems. eeek
Saturday 2nd of May 2015
Yep, it's difficult to deal with every year. =P
Charlene Asay
Friday 1st of May 2015
My husband and daughters birthdays are both in March. My son and I are both in May. We get out birthdays done with quick in this family!
Saturday 2nd of May 2015
My twin niece and nephew were born on October 20th, and my daughter was October 22nd. 2 years apart, but it still makes for an interesting party weekend!
Sami Fait
Friday 1st of May 2015
Yes I do! I actually share a birthday with my sister on the same.exact day, 3 years apart. It sucked as a child we constantly fought who would have the better night to party, or if they were individual at all was rare. I never had MY moment... Until I became an adult of course.
Saturday 2nd of May 2015
Oh my, I can't even imagine trying to share a birthday with my sister! That's crazy!