Is school starting soon for your kids? Do you dread having to pay so much money for their school supplies year after year? Shopping doesn’t have to be expensive if you’re diligent! Here’s how to find the best deals on school supplies and even keep a stockpile for next year.
Check all grocery ads
Right before school starts, a lot of stores will have back-to-school deals in their ads. Meijer, Target, and Kroger do, and I’ve seen them in Wal Mart’s ad, too. Check the ads every Sunday (or Friday for Meijer’s preview ad) and compare prices. Some places are cheaper than others, so be prepared to make a special trip to a store you don’t normally go to if you want to save some money.
Keep a list of prices
Whether or not your child is starting school for the first time this year, it’s a good idea to write down the best prices of the school supplies you find and put them in a safe place for next year. It could be on paper, or a spreadsheet on your computer. When school time comes around again next year, you can pull out your handy list to remember how much you paid for everything! I know that last year, Crayola crayons went down to 25 cents a box, so I’m holding out to find them at that price again.
Check in September/October for markdowns
Once school starts, parents stop buying as many supplies as they did in August, so the stores have lots of overstock. After a few weeks of school being in session, you may see things like notebooks, folders, and pencil boxes go on clearance for pennies. This would be a great time to buy a ton and save for later years!
Take advantage of tax-free holidays
Does your state participate in a tax-free weekend for school supplies? Check this list to see! Ohio does, and it’s a good way to save at least a little bit of money on your shopping. Save all your shopping for that weekend and take advantage!
Staying on top of current prices will definitely help you in the long run! Stock up when you can, or keep a list of the stock-up prices so you can compare next year when it’s time to shop again. Being frugal pays off! What are your favorite ways to save money on school supplies? Share with us in the comments!

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach through the ISSA and professional writer. She has 4 years experience coaching and 9 years experience in writing. She enjoys cooking easy meals, running, and learning more about food.
Jaime specializes in helping women with ADHD learn to meal plan and cook healthier meals without getting overwhelmed.